9 Best Mother’s Day Gifts for Moms in College

There are endless reasons why people choose to take a break from school, delay college, or simply decide later in life that they want to go back to school. For a lot of people, this decision happens after they have children, making the college process just a little bit harder.

If you know a mom who has her plate piled high with parenting duties, sports, dance classes, PTA meetings, work, AND college – use this as your guide to the best Mother’s Day gifts for the overwhelmed student mom in your life!

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I may receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.



Find out where her favorite massage or spa place is and get her a gift card or a free session! She’s more than likely sore and stressed and overwhelmed and… well, all the things. A spa day might be exactly what she needs to relax and be carefree for a few hours.



This seems so simple but it could quite possibly be the best gift she’ll receive. Offer to watch her kids for free while she has some time to herself, takes herself out to dinner, goes to see a movie, or takes advantage of that spa day you got her!



This mini massage gun doesn’t take up much room and is the perfect size to throw in a purse, diaper bag or backpack. It can deliver a much-needed massage at the press of a button, and it’s under $10! Just make sure to throw in a few extra batteries as well.

Here are a few more options for mini massage guns on Amazon, but at various price points:

*Please note that Amazon prices may change at any time.



With summer just around the corner, this stroller fan just might be her life saver for neighborhood walks with the kids, park days, or pool parties. The stand molds to the handle of a stroller, allowing her to position it in any direction!



Offer to come to her house and do the dishes, catch up on laundry, dust, mop, clean up the garden, or just help out with whatever home projects she hasn’t had time to get to. Dishes and laundry may not seem like the most glamorous gift, but I’m certain you will be her favorite person!



Sometimes it’s just too much to squeeze in driving to the store, struggling to shop with restless or energetic kids, driving home and putting everything away, and then still having to cook dinner and clean up afterward.

Eliminate a few of these steps for her by getting her shopping list and becoming her personal delivery person for the day! She’ll end up with a week’s worth of groceries without any of the hassle.

Another option could be paying for a meal subscription box for a few weeks. Subscriptions such as Hello Fresh and Home Chef allow you to customize how many meals get delivered per week, as well as how many servings are in each meal. They provide a list of meals to choose from so you can change it up every week and try new things!



You can really get creative with this idea! Grab a simple basket, reusable bin, or even a pretty mixing bowl and just fill it up with items she will love. Lotions, gift cards, essential oils, candles, books, bath bombs, eye masks, vitamins, chocolate… the possibilities are endless!



These noise-cancelling headphones come in handy all throughout the day and are extremely helpful for getting homework done or having uninterrupted study sessions.



A gift card is a great gift for the moms who already have everything or who insist they don’t need anything. This lets them hold onto it until they do need something, making your gift useful later down the road!